Office for Rent

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Office for Rent, OMPA-adjacent!
Office space available in SE Portland. Be our neighbor!

By lisa Cicala

Your friendly neighborhood OMPA is now seeking a friendly neighbor! We have a private office for rent in our space on the second floor of Koerner Camera (2828 SE 14th Ave. Ste B, Portland, OR 97202) and would love to share with a media professional.

* 24/7 access

* Wi-fi included

* Convenient inner SE location

*Private, locking interior door

*Huge window with tons of natural light

*View of train tracks and West Hills

*Furnished upon request with desk, two chairs, filing cabinet

* Kitchen shared with 2 others includes refrigerator, freezer, microwave

*Access to common spaces like small sitting area, large gathering table, conference room

*Space measures 11 feet by 9 feet 4 inches (approx. 102 square feet)

*Effervescent OMPA staff as neighbors (priceless)


Interested? Email to learn more!

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