Please explore our commonly asked questions.

Welcome to the new! ✨

You’re right at the center of an exciting new platform—and we’re thrilled to have you here. Welcome to a place where you can get inspired, get connected and feel empowered with new content, new features and a new experience from beginning to end.

OMPA supports and shapes a thriving, diverse, and ever-expanding industry for creators across media, and throughout Oregon. Explore how we:

  • Shape policy: Check out our new advocacy section – a place to learn about OMPA’s policy efforts and how you can get involved.
  • Grow community: See upcoming events, discover new talent and be inspired by those around you.
  • Develop careers: Find jobs and easily access industry resources.

Please pardon any dust while we get up and running in this new environment. If you see or experience something that feels broken, please submit your issues here. If you have questions about your account or anything feedback, please contact us.

Thank you for taking the time to explore the new!

What happened to SourceOregon?

SourceOregon has been completely integrated into the new platform. We’re calling it the Directory. Members and free account-holders who choose to be part of the Directory can now manage their listings directly on the new platform. You now only have one account for both membership management and your directory listing!

How do I log in?

You likely already have an account on our new platform. Members can use the same credentials (username and password) that you previously used to manage your OMPA membership to log on to the new platform. If you’re not sure whether you have an account or what your credentials are, please click here.

If you are a new visitor, please get started on the Join page.

Please note: The credentials you had on SourceOregon are no longer in use and are not necessarily the same as the ones you use to manage your membership.

Why is my listing information so out of date?

We rely on listers to keep their information current, however we have not prompted you to do so for quite some time. We encourage you to log in and update your information now and anytime there’s a change you’d like reflected.

OMPA Membership

Nothing has changed about the way you manage your membership, but there are new membership benefits such as a more robust listing in the directory.

What benefits do I receive as a member?

See the Join page for more information.

What's the right membership type for me/my business?

Member (Individual): Choose this membership type if you are a freelancer or company of one.

Member (X employees): Choose this membership if you are a company with employees. We based our rates on the number of employees a company has so please choose the number that reflects your total employee count.

Member (Student): Choose this membership if you are a current student or recent graduate.

Member (Employee): You cannot choose this membership on the site but rather the primary contact for your company’s membership will add you as an employee to their account. Please reach out to them to be added (or to us to learn who that primary contact is).

The rates for these memberships can be found on our Join page.

How do I manage my employees’ access and benefits?

Login to your company account and navigate to the account dashboard, you’ll find a “Manage Employees” button in the right-hand sidebar. From there, you can manage your employees under the “Additional Sub Members & Memberships” section. Employee management options include:

  • Join: Add a new employee to your account
  • Renew: Renew employees currently under your account
  • Remove: Remove employees under your account

If you are having difficulties, you can always contact us.

How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership, login and navigate to your account dashboard. Click the “Cancel” button in the blue “My Membership” box. This will take you to a page where you can manage and cancel your membership. If you are having difficulties, you can always contact us.

Are free or low-cost accessible memberships available?

Yes. OMPA wants to ensure that the benefits of membership are available to those who have traditionally lacked access to the industry and its opportunities. We have created an Accessible Scholarship program, supported by the community, to offer a limited number of free memberships in the organization. Apply here! Or donate an accessible membership here.


Formerly called SourceOregon, the directory is OMPA’s comprehensive, vetted directory of Oregon media production professionals and services.

What's the difference between a free account and a member listing?

Free account listing features:

  • Appear in 1 category;
  • Description and contact info;
  • Filterable data

Member listing features all the above plus:

  • Appear in up to 7 categories;
  • Appear higher in search results;
  • OMPA member designation;
  • Banner image;
  • Work Samples;
  • Link to your Reel
What happens to my listing when my membership expires?

If your membership expires, including your card being declined, your listing will automatically be downgraded. You will only appear in the single category that you have designated as your “Primary Category” and additional features reserved for members will also be removed. None of your listing information is lost, however! As soon as you renew your membership, your extra listing features and categories will be restored.

How do I remove myself from the directory?

You can reach out and we can remove your listing.

  • Join: Add a new employee to your account
  • Renew: Renew employees currently under your account
  • Remove: Remove employees under your account

If you are having difficulties, you can always contact us.

Do I have to renew my listing?

Member listings do not need to be renewed separately from your membership. If your membership lapses or you’re using a free account, we will ask you to confirm the details in your listing once a year in order to remain visible on the site.

What is the order of listings?
Promoted listings come first (randomized order), then members (alphabetical order), and then free accounts (alphabetical order).

Current Directory Listers

If you had a listing on SourceOregon, we’ve transferred it to our new platform. You can log in using the same username and password for the account you used to manage your OMPA membership.

How do I access my listing?

If you maintained an active listing on SourceOregon, it has been migrated to the new platform and is ready for you in your account.

You can log in using the same credentials (username and password) that you currently use to manage your OMPA membership. These are not the credentials you used on SourceOregon! If you’re having trouble accessing your account, you can request your login info here. If you still can’t login, please reach out and we can help!

Why is there only one listing in my account?

Our new platform allows one directory listing per user, but each listing can now appear in up to 7 different categories.

If you had more than one listing on SourceOregon, we may have combined your listing information into a single listing. If you have more than one business and would prefer to maintain separate listings for them, you will need to create a free account or membership for each business, using discrete email addresses.

Don’t worry! If you don’t see evidence of your listings having been combined, they haven’t been deleted—we just need you to contact us. We can help you get access to your original listings so that you don’t have to go through the reference checking process again.

How many categories can I list in?

Members can apply to list in up to 7 categories. A free account allows one category. If you were previously approved for a category on SourceOregon, your approval has been transferred to the new platform.

If you’d like to be listed in more than 7 categories, please contact us to discuss your options.

Why don't I see my listing when I log in?

Please get in touch and provide us with your listing name and email address. Your listing has not been lost—we may have just had trouble matching it with your platform account.

If you maintained both an individual and a company account, we recommend you try logging in with the latter, as well.

Directory Listing Tips

What makes a good title?

If you’re applying as an individual, this should probably be your name. The “Secondary Title” field can be used if you have a legal or professional alias.

Businesses and other entities should use the fields the other way around—your commercial name will go in the title field, and any alternate names in the secondary field.


  • Sole proprietorship: “McGrane Casting,” and “Erin McGrane, C.S.A;”
  • LLC or Corporation with an identified owner: “Premier Law,” and “Ami Berglund, Esq;”
  • Company: “Brick Backlot,” no subtitle;

The secondary title field is not a place to put services or other descriptive text that is not essential to identifying you or your business. To ensure clarity, terms that approximate Directory categories are not allowed in your secondary title, and may be removed as your listing is reviewed.

How do I pick a category?

Take a look at the Directory, and get a sense for the available categories and where your colleagues are listed!

…then navigate to your account dashboard, find the “My Listing” section and click “Manage Categories” to get started.

See the Applying for Categories section, below.

Why are some fields not editable?

These advanced features are only available to members. You can read more about the benefits of membership, here.

Becoming a member only takes a minute, and your benefits are effective immediately!

Directory Listing Images

Recommendations for creating and uploading great-looking images – and linking to videos or sample work.

What file types are allowed?

JPEG and PNG are the only formats currently supported. These files usually end in .jpg.jpeg, or .png.

If you don’t know what type of image you have, we recommend contacting a graphics or photography expert for help. Please be aware that renaming a file does not convert it to a usable format!

What size should my logo/headshot be?

We recommend uploading a photo or graphic that is between 300 and 400 pixels in width.

What size should my banner image be?

Banner images should be 1500 pixels in width or greater. Horizontal (landscape) images are strongly encouraged, as the vertical space is fixed.

If your image contains an important subject, make sure it’s at or near the center—otherwise, it may be cropped out on smaller screens. Please avoid including text in banner images, as we cannot guarantee that it will be visible or readable on all devices.

What size should work samples be?

Work samples should be roughly 1200 pixels in width. Please avoid extremely tall images and graphics that attempt to emulate the design or interface of or a specific browser/operating system, as this can be disorienting for viewers.

How can I add video to my profile?

For security reasons, we do not allow directly embedding a video in your listing.

Members can add a dedicated “Reel” link to their listing’s contact card, as well as up to three work samples with images, descriptions, and links.

Applying for Categories

How to get placed in the categories you want and our vetting process.

How do I apply for categories?

If you already have a listing set up, you can visit your account dashboard, navigate to the “My Listing” section, and click “Manage Categories” to get started. Members can list in up to seven categories, while free accounts are limited to one. The application process requires selecting a category and providing references or another means of demonstrating your skill set.

How do you determine who can be listed in the directory?

In order to provide a directory that demonstrates the depth and breadth of talent in Oregon, we check references or other means of verifying a person’s skills set. We ask references:

Based on your experience is [this category] appropriate for [lister’s name]? Yes, this category describes this lister’s services or capabilities. I have worked with [lister’s name] and would recommend them to others. No, this category does not describe this lister.

All references are checked by staff. Other means of being verified are evaluated by our Membership Committee. If you have questions or feedback on this process, please reach out to We’re here to listen and adapt as needed!

What do the statuses mean?

Your application may move through a number of statuses before being approved.

  • Submitted: We’ve received your application, and it has entered our review queue.
  • Pending: Your application is under review, and we may be reaching out to any personal references you provided.
  • Approved: Your listing is active in this category!
  • Denied: There were issues with the application, and OMPA elected to deny it—you should have received an email with our decision.

You’ll get an email if your application requires attention, and when it’s approved. You can always check the status of a category from your account dashboard by clicking the “Manage Categories” button in the “My Listing” section.

What is a “Primary Category?”

Selecting a primary category ensures that if or when your membership lapses, you remain in the most relevant category that you’ve been approved for.

If your listing was imported from SourceOregon, we may have selected a primary category for you—we advise double-checking to make sure it is the best representation of your business.

Should your listing be downgraded without a primary category available, we’ll use the first one you applied for.

How long will it take for my listing to be approved?

It can take up to four weeks for listings to be approved, particularly as we expect an influx of new listings with the launch of the new and improved website. Thank you for your patience.

What other means of verifying my skill set can I provide instead of a reference?

If you would prefer to provide another form of demonstrating your skills, instead of references, you can share your IMDB, call sheets, contracts, invoices, pay stubs, letters of recommendation, LinkedIn endorsements, sample work/website or other validation of your experience in a role.

All references are checked by staff. Other means of being verified are evaluated by our Membership Committee. If you have questions or feedback on this process, please reach out to We’re here to listen and adapt as needed!

Why can I not switch categories?

Everyone can be approved for multiple categories, but only Members are allowed to have more than one active at a time.

If your membership lapses, all but your Primary category will be deactivated. You will also be unable to switch to a different category, even if you were previously approved for it. To reactivate expired categories (or switch your primary category), please consider renewing your membership!

Due to the lack of “primary” category on SourceOregon, we will be honoring one-time requests to update your active category, in the event the lapse of your membership placed your listing in an incorrect or non-ideal category.

Promoted Directory Listings

Promoting your listing is a great way to expand your reach!

What is a "promoted" listing?

Promoted listings are moved to the top of any Directory category or search they match. Members are eligible to purchase an enhanced placement at a time. Promotion applies to any categories a listing is active in.

Visit your account to learn more.

Are promoted listings identified?

In Directory results, promoted listings will appear first, and are identified by a Promoted tag in the upper-left corner. Promoted listings bear no special markings when viewed on their own.

How do I promote my listing?

Visit your account dashboard to review your options. Promotion is paid for via your platform account and may take a few minutes to be applied to your listing.

If you have recently purchased promoted placement, but it hasn’t been reflected on your listing by the time you receive a confirmation email for the order, please reach out.