By lisa Cicala
OMPA Member, Lower Boom has been busy and we want to film you in…I mean FILL you in on what we’ve been up to of late. First of all…we hope to see you at the Portland Art Museum this Sunday, October 30th. Lower Boom will be filming new Warhol-inspired Screen Tests from 1- 2:30 pm, adjacent to the Warhol exhibit. Shooting, as Warhol did, on 16 mm black and white film.
From 1 – 3:30 pm, in the Whitsell Auditorium (free admission), the Lower Boom Screen Test series will be projected, on film, simultaneously with selections from Warhol’s actual Screen Tests on loan from MOMA.
But hang on, there’s more. On November 15th, as part of the awesome NW Filmmakers’ Festival, we will be projecting our Screen Test Series, (including the ones we will have just shot at the museum) with a live ambient score at the Skype Live Studio. More info here:
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