Tax Incentive Program

Have an idea for a story or want to be a contributing writer? 

Support the industry’s tax incentive program
Put your state tax dollars directly back into your industry.

By lilly Joynes

The money collected through the tax credit auction goes into the Oregon Production Investment Fund, which directly leads to more production jobs, projects, and spending in our state. All Oregon taxpayers can participate, so feel free to share this info with your network.

IT’S AS EASY AS 1-2-3!

  1. BID: Submit your bid on the auction website between 9am PDT December 5 and 5pm PDT December 7. State tax credits are available in $500 increments; You must bid at least $475 per increment.
  2. SIGN: Complete form OR-TCA for each bid you submit.
  3. PAY: Gather full payment in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check, or money order made payable to Oregon Dept. of Revenue. Deliver your payment by mail or in-person by December 14.
  • Mail: Oregon Dept. of Revenue, Attn: Tax Credit Auction, PO Box 14600, Salem OR 97309-5049
  • Hand deliver: Oregon Dept. of Revenue, 800 NE Oregon Street, 5th floor, Portland OR

Wait 2-4 weeks to hear the results of the auction. If your bid wins, you’ll receive a tax credit certificate in the mail. If you are outbid, your payment will be returned to you.


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