Members: Vote for OMPA’s 2021 Priorities!
As a small organization with a big mission, we’re looking to our community for input on which programs to prioritize.
As a small organization with a big mission, we’re looking to our community for input on which programs to prioritize. In order to support a thriving and equitable industry, what do you consider the three (3) MOST important things OMPA can do; What are the three (3) LEAST important things for OMPA to focus on?
The board will review the community input to help inform an updated strategic plan. Thank you for being part of this process! You can learn more about these options below.
The voting deadline is Tuesday, December 22, at Noon PT.
Create safe space for creatives of color.
Lobby at the state and local level.
Maintain Oregon’s vetted, comprehensive production directory.
(New) Develop a mentorship program.
Create safe space for creatives of color.
OMPA has been hosting a monthly meet up of creatives of color as a space to connect with one another, share resources and seek professional development. Creating a place where BIPOC members can fully self-express their experiences, free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations is part of creating a culture of belonging in the organization and the community.
Lobby at the state and local level.
OMPA serves as the statewide lobbying organization for the industry by ensuring policy makers understand the economic and cultural value of Oregon’s media production industry, by securing their support for policies and practices important to our industry and by engaging our community in this process. This government affairs work spans everything from lobbying for the state’s tax incentive bundle for film, television, independent production, games, post-production and commercials to ensuring those programs are equitable, protecting the Portland Film Office and other needs as defined by the community.
Maintain Oregon’s vetted, comprehensive production directory.
OMPA publishes the statewide production directory that not only serves as a tool for professionals to find one another but also as a way to promote Oregon’s depth of talent and services for national and international clients to see. The directory on the new website will become more comprehensive with a free option and will provide more information that helps in the talent discovery process such as identifying diverse talent.
(New) Develop a mentorship program.
As we work to ensure new and diverse talent is advancing in the industry, we know that mentorship can play a key role in their success. OMPA could build a program that pairs individuals with the right professional mentors and that guides the relationship’s success.
Host events that connect you to new talent.
OMPA has traditionally, outside of a pandemic, hosted regular networking events with the goal of connecting the community to each other and to opportunities.
Provide useful business information and resources.
OMPA leverages our events and communication channels to share information and resources that support your business. This can be a blog post around where to find diverse talent to an event around the evolving nature of insurance and legal issues in a pandemic.
Publish job opportunities.
OMPA publishes local job opportunities to the community so that employers and talent can connect to those opportunities.
Provide training and classes.
OMPA occasionally hosts training opportunities that further develops the skill sets of working professionals.
Develop shared industry resources and guidelines.
OMPA serves as the source of the Industry Standards and Guidelines, the COVID Production Protocols and the Diversity Pledge. These resources and guidelines provide standards that the entire industry can implement and reference in their work.
Highlight the stories and work of Oregon’s production professionals.
OMPA leverages our events and communication channels to showcase who is working in Oregon and what they’re working on.
(New) Develop and administer certification programs that incentivize business behavior.
OMPA is exploring developing a certification program that would highlight individuals and businesses who are living up to certain standards, such as building diverse teams and inclusive cultures. This would function similarly to the B-Corp certification and could promote Oregon as a leader in equity, in green business practices, in safe sets and more.
(New) Provide an online community forum.
OMPA currently curates the information that is shared out with the community but there is so much more information that can be shared amongst the community. An online community forum would be a space where you could connect with other working professionals, ask questions, share resources, post classifieds, share work, and build community.
The voting deadline is Tuesday, December 22, at Noon PT.
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